Zabbix Sophos

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I have imported one template under ZABBIX for monitoring my sophos firewall but it does not contain any check for interfaces up / down and it's traffic status. Does anyone has new template (.xml) for zabbix monitoring tool? Sophos UTM 9 Firewall VM Appliance & Hardware The current version of the Sophos UTM template for Zabbix is quite straight forward and is based on the knowledgebase article 119371 in which usefull SNMP OID's can be found. Currently the template consists of: 2 Applications (Network, 37 items &.


Zabbix is an open source enterprise software that monitors networks and applications

It is designed to help network administrators monitor and monitor the status of other network services, servers and network hardware intelligently to ensure the system is always stable

How to configure

Step 1: Install Apache2/httpd

  • Install httpd
  • After installing the httpd service, run the start command to 'open' the service and enable the service to 'run smoothly'
  • To make sure httpd is running on CentOS, we use the following command: # netstat -plntu

Zabbix Sophos Sg

Step 2: Install and configure PHP on CentOS 7

  • Add the webtatic and EPEL repository to the system
  • Install PHP packages from the webtatic repository using yum: # yum -y install mod_php72w php72w-cli php72w-common php72w-devel php72w-pear php72w-gd php72w-mbstring php72w-mysql php72w-xml php72w-bcmath
  • Edit file vi /etc/php.ini
  • Enter i to insert or edit the values
  • You have to make sure that the value fields change do not have the # or the (;) in front
  • After finished running, we will restart the httpd service

Step 3: Install and configure MariaDB

  • Install mariadb-server with the command below
  • After successful installation, you run the command like the above httpd service is 'start' and 'enable'
  • Configure password for root MariaDB
  • Here we have created MariaDB database and finished configuring the root password for Database
  • Create a database to install Zabbix
  • In this example will create a database called ‘zabbix'

Sky go big little lies staffel 2. Step 4: Install and configure Zabbix

  • This step is the step of installing and configuring Zabbix (Zabbix-server and Zabbix-agent)
  • Install Zabbix Packages:
  • # yum -y install
  • # yum -y install zabbix-get zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-agent
  • Enter the path: cd /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-…………./
  • The above folder may change depending on your mysql version, it is best to click the zabbix-server tab to point the correct path
Zabbix sophos vpn
  • Import the sample database into the 'zabbix' database with the command: # mysql -u root -p zabbix < create.sql
  • Configure Zabbix Server
  • # vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
  • DBHost=localhost
  • DBPassword=password declared for database
  • After start and enable
  • Configure Zabbix Agent
  • # vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
  • Declare the values below
  • After start and enable
  • Install firewall service
  • After start and enable
  • Open http and https ports for Zabbix-server and Zabbix-agent (port 10051 and 10050)

Step 5: Zabbix Initial Setup

  • vi /use/lib/systemd/system/zabbix-server.service
  • Delete the line TimeoutSec=xxxxx
  • Next, run 2 commands
  • Then run 3 commands below
  • Access to web interface's zabbix server
  • Finish
  • Login with default user ‘admin‘ and password ‘zabbix

** If you have difficulty in configuring Sophos products in Viet Nam, please contact us:

Hotline: 02862711677




For small to medium-sized systems, the use of Pfsense firewall is heavily used in various network models, easy to configure and management. And monitoring the operation of the Pfsense firewall is also import. Article guide How to user Zabbix for monitoring



How to configure Mysophos account.

  • Log in to Pfsense by Admin account
  • Go to System -> Choose Package Manager
  • In Available packages -> Enter zabbix-agent to Search item
Zabbix Sophos
  • Import the sample database into the 'zabbix' database with the command: # mysql -u root -p zabbix < create.sql
  • Configure Zabbix Server
  • # vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
  • DBHost=localhost
  • DBPassword=password declared for database
  • After start and enable
  • Configure Zabbix Agent
  • # vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
  • Declare the values below
  • After start and enable
  • Install firewall service
  • After start and enable
  • Open http and https ports for Zabbix-server and Zabbix-agent (port 10051 and 10050)

Step 5: Zabbix Initial Setup

  • vi /use/lib/systemd/system/zabbix-server.service
  • Delete the line TimeoutSec=xxxxx
  • Next, run 2 commands
  • Then run 3 commands below
  • Access to web interface's zabbix server
  • Finish
  • Login with default user ‘admin‘ and password ‘zabbix

** If you have difficulty in configuring Sophos products in Viet Nam, please contact us:

Hotline: 02862711677




For small to medium-sized systems, the use of Pfsense firewall is heavily used in various network models, easy to configure and management. And monitoring the operation of the Pfsense firewall is also import. Article guide How to user Zabbix for monitoring


How to configure Mysophos account.

  • Log in to Pfsense by Admin account
  • Go to System -> Choose Package Manager
  • In Available packages -> Enter zabbix-agent to Search item
  • Install zabbix-agent version 4.4
  • Configure zabbix agent -> Choose Services -> Click Zabbix Agent 4.4
  • Set up the parameters of the Zabbix Agent Settings
    • Server: IP address of Zabbix Server
    • Server Active: IP address of Zabbix Server
    • Hostname: Name the Pfsense firewall hostname
    • Listen IP: Enter
    • Listen Port: Enter 10050
  • Set up the parameters of TLS-RELATED Parameters
    • In TLS Connect: Choose psk
    • In TLS Accept: Choose psk
    • In TLS PSK Identity: Enter name for key
    • In PSK: Enter key

-> Click Save

  • Create firewall rules
  • In Action: Choose Pass
  • In Interface: Choose WAN
  • In Address Family: Choose IPv4
  • In Protocol: Choose TCP
  • In Source: Choose any
  • In Destination
    • Destination: Choose WAN address
    • Destination Port Range: Form (other) Custom (10050) To (other) Custom (10050)
  • On Zabbix Server -> Check information from Pfsense firewall

touch /tmp/key-pfsense-01
vi /tmp/key-pfsense-01

  • Add key on firewall Pfsense to /tmp/key-pfsense-01
  • Use check command

zabbix_get -s -k 'agent.version' –tls-connect=psk –tls-psk-identity='key-pfsense-01″ –tls-psk-file=/tmp/key-pfsense-01

  • Login to web interface of Zabbix Server -> Choose Configuration -> Choose Hosts -> Click Create host
  • In Hostname: Enter hostname
  • In Groups: Choose Linux servers
  • In Agent interface: Enter IP Address of Pfsense
  • Go to Templates: Choose Template OS FreeBSD -> Click Add
  • Go to Encryption
    • In Connections to host: Choose PSK
    • In Connections from host: Choose PSK
    • In PSK Identity: Enter name
    • In PSK: Enter key

Zabbix Sophos Support

-> Click Add

Zabbix Sophos Free

  • When add successfully

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